Welcome to the True Church of Jesus Christ (part 5)
5:1. On Monday afternoon (4/11/13), I took the left-over bread from Sunday's Communion. I ground it down in the blender and bagged it. I took it for a walk with me and Grace (our dog). Mount Zion was our destination (within Milngavie Golf course). I took each handful of bread and spread it over the top of Zion. I spoke my important prayers out loud. I was laughing heartily as our dog tried to hoover up the bread. It was a beautiful clear day and only spoilt by the presence of SAHT sitting in their cars. Bear in mind that the masonic psychological terrorism has recently dropped to around 10% from it's peak 5 years ago. This confirms that they can read and know that they have been used (conned). Hear me, this is my second last "Spread of the living bread".
5:2. About 5 years ago I was taking intense spiritual and psychological persecution from satan himself. During another demonic attack (which I didn't fully understand), Satan and his Tempted (SAHT) somehow managed to use my neighbour's stereo (in their kitchen) to play two John Lennon songs. The first one was Happy Christmas (War is over) and the second one was "Don't wanna be a soldier mama, I don't wanna die". I used to own these albums/songs. Bear in mind that I was almost down and out after taking dozens of hits from Satan and his Tempted (SAHT). Unfortunately I cannot prove the super-natural and it could not have been human. How would SAHT know what was happening during the demonic attack?. How would they play just those two songs at that exact time (around midnight)?. These neighbours do not socialise, never mind playing music of any kind. I knew all of this was super-natural and I had not read the Bible at this time. The message from the attack was clear, satan/luci knew my predicament and he was goading me. I have had a human lifetime of these psychological cowardly attacks, more later.
I will show you how this "Gormless Geek" (aka satan/lucifer) persecutes God's children. It is invisible, it can possess, control and manipulate humans and situations. God (Our Father) was also teaching (moulding) me to who my long term adversary was. How could a lowly-uneducated human like me fight this perceived powerful, slithering, unrelenting evil?. I have always known that I was different but how could I fight this crafty, invisible gutter-snipe?. How could I fight this coward who can read my thoughts?. This freak even knows my next move. The good thing is that he/she (it) can see the future (and its demise). This is why I have taken all the hits. This is why gay satan always stabs me from behind the curtains (as do all possessed masons). It (satan/luci) also takes the role of male or female (more later). He/she (it) is a master of conning the gullible, ignorant and selfish humans who want it all (material wealth). It lets me know when it is angry, especially when I write for God's children (smile).
5:3. On Tues 1/10/13 my real brother James (who's nickname is JC) picked me up to go and advise him how to plumb in his son's washing machine. We drove to the flat (in Govan) to see what we needed. We went to the local Heat Spares for a washing machine valve. They didn't have one (Heating parts only) but the guy recommended a local Domestic Repairs shop. We tried it without success but this guy recommended JEWSONS (Builders Merchants in Govan, Glasgow). As we drove in, I received an intuitive - spiritual message as soon as I looked at their big JEWSON's advertising board. I knew instantly it was about Jesus and that the message was somehow connected to being Jewish, but how?. I no longer question God the Father. I said nothing about this to my non-believing brother. I get these frequent intuitive messages in parts or some sort of link to other divine events at Kirk Sermons and Bible Studies.
I told you about the electrical anomalies that happen to me wherever I go. The young woman on the till at JEWSONS really struggled to get her computerised system to take the payment for the W/M valve. She was getting angry and after a few minutes, it started working again. The time on the invoice was exactly 13:33. I get this all the time with references to 33 or 119, more later.
Anyway, I walked and talked with God for an answer about the Jewson message. Here is the answer, Jesus was Jewish then, just as Jesus is Jewish today. Jesus will always be Jewish (eternally), regardless of what the pharisee masons (false Jews) say. God made Jesus and God made you. I do not know of any Jewish ancestry in our family. I was born in the Jewish populated Gorbals area of Glasgow in 1955.
5:4. Did you know the satanic mormons, the satanic jehovah's witnesses and the bizarre cult of scientology (all started by the satanic freemasons) intensely brainwashed most of Scotland's working class. Ditto the UK and world wide, but know that Scotland is the spiritual home of satan/freemasonry. This intensity started just after the 2nd World War. These deranged Cults (designed by the criminal elite) are still using Mind Control (MC) and MK-Ultra today. I can show you this happening in real time (about 300 yds from our house).
They are not interested in mature adults, they want teenagers and especially your kids before they are 8 years old. You would never notice that your children are slowly trained (layer upon layer of MC) to hate you. Their handlers will get them to destroy the normal life that you and they once knew. I can show you this happening in real time. The criminal elite are terrified that you find out the Truth. You are complicit in your own downfall because of your inaction and/or you might miss your next stupid TV programme (soaps or sports) that THEY designed for you. Are there any Christian Soldiers out there (second request)?.
5:5. On Monday morning (Armistice Day) at exactly the 11th hour and the 11th day of the 11th month (11+11+11 = 33), I was strongly compelled to play my Jesus Christ Superstar CD/album. SAHT would have been unhappy. They watch and listen closely to my every move, they have done since 27/2/1955. I played this message for all of those who were taken in the name of Jesus Christ. Message to the skeptics and dinosaurs. Go to google and type in "The truth about the USS Liberty". Also read about false jew Henry Kissinger saying that soldiers are just pawns. When will "YOU" educate yourself ? the Internet is a gift from God. It hurts me to hear the online Pastors repeat satan's news that nelson mandela was a hero. Type into Yahoo "The truth about nelson mandela". Remove your programmed blinkers. God loves you, satan cons you.
5:6. On this same Monday (11/11/13), in the afternoon, I took the left-over bread from Sunday's Communion and ground it down in the blender. I then took it to the place of the dead (the New Kilkpatrick cemetery) and spread it all over the graves and the remains of the Roman Road. I had previously done this (last month) at another place of the dead within the New Kilpatrick Parish Boundary. I said my prayers aloud, knowing that my smartphone is always listening and recording via GCHQ (and NSA)..... The criminal elite love power over you, they have recorded and profiled everyone since WW2. Anyway, this part of God's plan is complete, I do not need any more bread.
5:7. Remember that an eastern star freemason is as loyal to satan/luci as you are to God. The word freemason makes you cringe. You refuse to see them or how they operate in front of you. They even show you that they tackle the bad guys (Criminals) on their TV. Still nobody mentions the real crooks, the freemasons themselves. They sneakily thrive on the abuse of your trust. I have to write, move and speak in a way that forces them to play their evil cards. I should not have told them that (hmm). I am quietly amused at their confidence and cockiness (ignorance). God will soon show you the colour drain from their faces.
5:8. If only you knew how dumb satan/luci really is. If I had known I was dealing with a Donkey, I would have brought some carrots. I told you he has no power, only stupid human pilots who try to cast his ineffective childish curses of "prince of the power of the air". Woe to the masonic pilots who have tried to cast satanic curses on good people, reap what you have sown. Yes, I wrote this a month ago via the Spirit. God the Father knows this to be true. I do not have to prove nothing to the mockers behind the curtains, their destiny is sealed. They have judged themselves. The criminal elite get to count their money made from death, they fund both sides in every one of their wars.
I know ye want it all on a plate today, I have told you to have patience, much has to happen. Time is on God's side. Trust in God and in God alone. God is unruly.
5:9. I heard satan/luci's favourite song..... "Sing if your glad to be gay". What a vile, disgusting, un-natural practice luci brought unto this Earth. Very, very soon there will be nothing un-natural. No, do not stand up for the queen of crooks, stand up for Jesus. Hear me now, these fraudsters are not connected to Jesus Christ in any shape, form or pseudo bloodline. They are all masonic/false jew con artists. They call themselves the illuminati but I tell ye the truth, these false jews are "the illusionists". They will not change their false god worship of gay satan-luci-money-tickly bit-drugs high low-destroy-promote-self-uniform-power-abuse, etc. You vote for these creeps to have power over you. Vote (pray) for me. I will work for nothing but God and you. I do not want a penny.
5:10. My closest Family in the Kirk are most of those who were present on the 14th August 2011 (33) and of course every genuine Christian and righteous person world-wide. I will never leave you, although I may have to sit elsewhere. The battle is spiritual and physical (SAHT). I will deal with the physical (in the flesh) and up above will deal with down below (Hades). From today, I have made each of you one of God's Police, improvise and fight satan within God's Kirk in every nation. Life is your test and your ticket to eternal life. We are all just passing the time till Father's Sign, tick tock tick. I have foretold you that change is imminent.
5:11. I previously told you that God's colour is Blue. I told you that Satan and his Tempted (SAHT) have stolen and reversed everything from the Beautiful Bible. The primary colour of satanic freemasonry is Blue (research the Blue Degrees). So where did this reminder/message come from?. I took my real brother James (who's nickname is JC) to a new local Vet (October 2013). As we took his 2 small dogs into the Vet, a woman had her little dog running about the reception. She kept calling it "Stirling" and we had a laugh and a chat about Stirling being our surname. The woman left. We went into see the Vet and mentioned the coincidence? about Stirling and the female Vet said the little dog's full name was "Stirling Blue". I tell ye the truth, God's colour is Blue, Stirling Blue (smile).
5:12. Yes, satan/luci can read my thoughts and knows I would die every 3 days for Father. However, his tempted know nothing. They have forever studied, analysed and profiled my every word and movement since 1955. Here is a message for them as they desperately search for clues on what happens next, they should read Psalm 2 and especially the NIV version. The Holy Spirit compels me to warn them.
5:13. Reminder to God's Kirk. I do not want a penny, nor fame, nor a circus. I can leave as quickly as I came to you. Love Jesus as he loves you. I give you my promise that I will never lead you astray. Be aware that as the Holy Spirit writes for you, He toys with SAHT. Father helps me to reel them in. This double talk is to manipulate them who think they are in control. My role is the same as Elijah's challenge, to prove that satan/luci/baal has no power. My role is to save those conned by their own ignorance, however, a rabid dog protecting a poisoned bone (satan/luci/self) is a rabid dog. They shall be no more (fact). With great authority I can tell you that not one member of satan's secret societies will rise above unless ye repent. God always gives you a chance. My sceptre is being wrought.
5:14. On Monday afternoon (11/11/13), I took the left-over bread from Sunday's Communion and ground it down in the blender. I then took it to the place of the dead (the New Kilpatrick cemetery) and spread it all over the graves. I also spread some over the remains of the Roman Road (they shall see). I had previously done this (last month) at another place of the dead within the New Kilpatrick Parish boundary. I have no further need of the left-over bread since this date.
5:15. Why Millguy (Milngavie) I hear you cry?. I told you that God communicates by numbers. This is why SAHT have stolen and reversed God's numbers to try to further satan's plan (to exalt himself). I shall teach you. Research the "New Kilpatrick Parish Boundary". Milngavie and Bearsden are both within the New Kilpatrick (Ki = 119 Psalm) Parish Boundary (NKPB). Milngavie also sits on the foot of the Kilpatrick hills and the rainwater flows through and under Milngavie and Bearsden.
I previously told you about "The Scottish Mountain of God" whose rainwater flows into Glen Finglas (Finger/God's) and then into Loch Katrine (Ki = 119), then through two tunnels (for 26 miles) to Mugdock Reservoir within the NKPB. I told you about my favourite fishing spot at Mugdock (it still has the pseudo security fence, wonder why?). I told you about my super-natural crimson bench incident with satan at Mugdock. I told you about Mount Zion which is within the NKPB and is less than two miles from our home. I told you about the purple-blue dove incident at Craigallion Loch (means beautiful rock). The Romans have been in the New Kilpatrick Parish Boundary. You can clearly see the remains of the Roman Road within the NK Cemetery (check online).
Hear me, the Water Works within the NK Parish boundary will be the New Eden, minus talking serpents. If you reject me, I will go across the water and start again. When you fight for God, you can never lie down. I am still not angry, I have no control over God the Father's Wrath. No, I do not see everything, only what the Spirit shows me. I tell you this as perhaps God knew (or planned) something was going to change (bad seeds). It is difficult to teach the blind who think they can see (traditions of men).
5:16. There is only one visible and super-natural obstacle, SAHT. The criminal elite and their satanic-masonic police, military and politicians. Not all are bad but almost all are ignorant. You are standing in the middle of the track with your back to the fast oncoming train. SAHT have covered your ears. Why don't you look behind you? Why do you trust the false jew media without question?. You just don't get it, do you?, SAHT hate anything good. Christianity and anything good is a threat to them and their power over you. This is satan-luci's plan, to destroy the Truth (Jesus) and build his own temple of satanic shit. I make no apology for my derogatory choice of words. I will not wrap you up in cotton wool, I will teach you Truth.
It is getting harder to write for you as SAHT have all the money and puppets. I only have the basics but they are getting old and full of viruses so I don't know how much longer I can communicate with you. In the flesh and as I approach 60 years of age, I am making small repetitions and minor mistakes. It is hard fighting for the luci-lovers who want to finish me off. I am not phased as I trust in God with all my heart, mind and soul, regardless. I constantly take notes but I do not know what happens next. God sees what I see and write. The Holy Spirit compels me to teach you. I follow guidance as should you. Only a selfish person would selfishly deny that God exists or that God loves you. Listen to me closely, do not worry.
Teach yourselves not to celebrate pagan holidays. Jesus was not born on Christmas day, this is the criminal-elite fabricated date when the false jews count the money. The Internet is a gift from God, find Truth, find Jesus. Stop hiding behind the fluffy church pews, they will not save you. Stand up for Jesus and be counted. Just a closer walk with thee.
Love, peace and FR33DOM..... Joe Stirling Christie (17th Dec 2013).
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