Thursday, 21 November 2013

The True Church of Jesus Christ (part one).

The True Church of Jesus Christ (part one).

Founded on Easter Monday 2013. 

1:1 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not care what unbelievers think. If the brilliant Pastor Jim Graham (Goldhill Baptist Church near London) can openly admit to speaking with God, so can I and so can you. Whenever you feel spiritually compelled to do something, ignore the mockers. I can guarantee it was guidance by the Holy Spirit. Everything is designed by God the Father (YHWH) and will lead to something you did not expect. Never react negatively, give it at least seven days debate with God before you decide. I will revise some of my previous online posts to teach you further. 

1:2 After receiving two messages at a recent prayer meeting, I decided to write a letter and pass it on. Now I know how Job felt as I was uncomfortable (in the desert for a few days). I could see the scoffers during the week. I am not a very good swimmer and God the Father always throws me in at the deep end. God Yahweh says "Swim, Joseph..... Swim" and with divine help, I get to the other side. Here are the messages..... I thought I needed an actual church building (see 1:1 above) to build The True Church of Jesus Christ. No, I do not need a building for I Am The True Church. I will build my church..... There was also the added bonus of being guided to St. Paul's Church for Easter Sunday. This beautiful Church interior is in the shape of a large Cross. 

1:3 The parable of the rabid dogs. God the Father loves us all but He has a serious problem. Hiding behind closed doors are some rabid dogs who will attack anyone who tries to touch their poisoned bone. God has tried to pat them on the head to explain that the bone is no good. God has told them that the poisoned bone will destroy them. God has warned them that if they don't let go, they will be totally wiped out. Very soon, nobody will even know that they (or their loved ones) ever existed on this Earth. God will no longer allow these rabid dogs to teach their young how to smile as they destroy..... 

The rabid dogs are the pharisee masons and the poisoned bone is their false god satan. God is slow to anger and I know His hour is fast approaching. Who else could have told you about satan's reversal of Psalm 119? (YHWH's Word/Law). All good and bad people should read the book of Daniel chapter 12. This timely/potent message was preached and received in St Paul's church last night (31st March 2013). The day before, the same man of the cloth read Psalm 56 which I found very comforting and an answer to my plea. I suffer intense persecution and masonic theatre during Easter (all documented over the years). 

1:4 Do not fear Satan and his Tempted (SAHT) or their occultic use of number-curses. All numbers belong to God YHWH (pronounced Yahweh by humans). 

1:5 Some of you prefer the name Jehovah but that name is only 500 years old. Stop defending without researching. God gave you the internet, use the knowledge provided. 

1:6 Are there any Christian Soldiers out there?. Satan fully intends to do what he says on the tin "Destroy Christianity". The Lion cannot lay with the Lamb until all is completed. Surely you don't expect reward without commitment?. Yes, there will be Angels. Put on your armour. 

1:7 Worship is very important but Prayer Time within the Church is the ultimate connection to God the Father. You don't even have to say a prayer, just meditate, concentrate and listen. The Holy Spirit will guide and answer you. If you do not connect, then try again until you do. If you say a prayer, don't try to be perfect and impress others. Even if the words come out wrong, the others will know exactly what you meant to say. Only speak when you feel compelled to speak. Remember there are pretend Christians in every Church, don't worry about their chosen path. 

1:8 If you wish to communicate then continue with handing me your written letters or requests. Do not ask me to debate openly or catch me cold as the pharisee masons do. I shall constantly pray for healing. 

1:9 I have stated I do not know the Hour. I can only follow guidance as should you. I will work on part 2 for you. I will try to simplify my super-natural divine journey as we worship our God on the Throne. Stay on the narrow path. Please forward this online message (8th April 2013) to all Christians and truth-seekers world wide. Love, peace and FR33DOM..... Joseph Christie.
Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119 Yahweh's Word/Law (YHWH)

Latest news from Jesus (JC2)

The True Church of Jesus Christ (part two)

16th April 2013

2:1 Psalm 119 (God Yahweh's Word/Law). This is all about God's design and plan. I will teach that God always keeps His promise to you. This is all about Joseph Christie (me as a human) and the anti-Christ (slithering satan). This is all about lucifer being invoked by the wealthy satanic pedophile and gay army. In part one, I have told you about how Satan and his Tempted (SAHT) have reversed everything from the Beautiful Bible. 

2:2 You already know that the great deceiver satan wants to try to exalt himself (above what the Elephant left behind). Satan (aka lucifer) has been working hard to con his believers that Psalm 119 is actually satan's word/law (and Shrek says "Hey Donkey"). SAHT revere the numbers 11, 13, 27, 33, 39, 111, 119. Search the satanic manipulated BBC tv and Hollywood movies and see how they use these numbers). SAHT also use these numbers to persecute the innocent, and unsuspecting people who are not members (see headless chickens below). The satanic elite thrive on your trust and ignorance. Do not fret, for true believers know that God the Father has a plan.

2:3 Study the numbers 119/911/191. It is important that you understand how SAHT use letters and numbers. It is not just the name or word that's important, they MUST get the letter-number-code in. Start with the letters Ki =11/9=119 or ik = 9/11. Research the home of satan and his masonic soldiers at the Kilwinning (Ki = 119) Mother Lodge at Ayrshire (Ayr = Air = prince of the) in Scotland. Go to LJPR.INFO and search Kilwinning. Also search for "Occultic Dr Who" and his stupid K9 dog (11/9). The masonic lucifer-lovers will own or have previously owned a Porsche 911. Yes, the twin towers was a satanic sacrifice on 911. I previously told you all emergency services are satanic, call 911. The Space Program in 2011 was 191 billion. The Queen's budget was £119 million. Research online "Prince of the Air" (satan). 

2:4 Last year in Glasgow, we went to see our son's body in the city morgue (murdered by SAHT) and when we came out, there was a Breakdown truck parked outside with a large bright painted "911" on it. The same company has a phone number ending in 1919 (119). This is how SAHT work, it's a masonic signature and they love to tell you they done it. The truck drove of as we got into our car. Much more later.

2:5 Don't forget SAHT will invert the 9 to 6 so that 611/116/161 still means "119" to them. It is common knowledge online that the satanic freemasons use the King (Ki = 119) James Bible (the 1611 version). There is a recent Business phone number change in Glasgow and they are all 0141 611 0000. Why would SAHT choose 611? (answer = 911). This is the same satanic manipulation of "Emergency, Call 911". Look through your local newspaper adverts or latest phone book for more information. Search online for "The  Christ Messenger" (in 24 parts) by Joseph Stirling Christie, or ask me for a CD copy.

2:6 Now take on board the letters SK = 19/11=119. The freemasons wear SKipcaps (Basball caps) to recognise each other and show their affection/loyalty of lucifer. The evil mason Greg Lance Watkins (ki) and his website SK-H119 tried hard to destroy the "Hollie Greig" masonic terrorism, rape and murder story. If you want to know how sick the satanic masons are, then you must read the true story about Hollie Greig and Robert Green. More 119 later. 

2:7 I was born on 27/2/1955 (see number 27) at 27 Waddell Street in the Rutherglen (RU/39) District of Glasgow. One year later 1956 (19/11) moved to Castlemilk (letters ik = 9/11) in Glasgow. In 1959 my father dies of pneumonia. Years later, my mother remarried and I became Joseph Christie. In May 1965 (19/11) we moved to 6 Hopehill (Hope) Road in Maryhill (Joseph and Mary) Glasgow. In 1971 when I was a 16 year old, I had a extremely evil experience on an Ouija Board. I was told that my partner-wife to be was a young woman called Kim (Ki = 11/9). Four years after the Ouija session (Autumn 1975), I moved to our John's flat at 332 The Broadway, West Hendon, London. On Christmas day 1975, a friend brought Kim to a party at John's flat. We are still together in our 38th year. Remember the 33 in 332 and that our John's landlord was an Italian. Remain focused, this true story-journey is all about Bible Prophesy.

2:8 Before I left Glasgow for London, SAHT tried very, very hard to pair me off with girlfriends Ms F. MaGrail (Grail) and then a Ms Marie Maginty (Mari Magdalen). Both turned out to be mind-controlled Eastern Star Masons (ESMs). None of us knew about YHWH's plan.  

2:9 On reflection about the 1971 Ouija session. I was laughing and sarcastic and paid a satanic test/curse for forty years. On Sunday the 1st May 2011, I did not know this was an important occultic-satanic-beltane date. I was compelled to walk into a local church to worship and pray.

2:10 Parable of the Headless Chicken. Our species is inherently selfish and we fully intend to help satan destroy God's creation. The only purpose of the Satanic Secret Societies is to protect and preserve the criminal elite families. They give you the crumbs off their table and you are happy with that. You will even have another person persecuted as long as you get what YOU want. 

The Headless Chicken is YOU. The Chicken's body will run about banging into things until it is dead. It cannot think because it does not have a head, yet you fully understand what I tell you. The evidence and social engineering by the satanic elite is all over the Internet ( Headless Chickens are born tax-generators to the satanic elite. The corrupt Government, Police and Military all belong to SAHT and the Headless Chickens pay their wages. Remember Dumb and Dumber?. I can tell you God the Father is not interested in seekers of self preservation. Some Headless Chickens will continue to be, they can be found in positions of power (masons).

2:11 The Key to everything is Jesus Christ, seek Him, worship Him, pray with Him, let Him into your life and He will introduce you to God the Father. There is no other way, period. God knows your every thought and action, do nothing and you will receive nothing. 

2:12 SAHT own everything you see and hear and you believe them without question. The old news reporter rang his bell shouting "Hear ye - Hear ye" and tells you what the criminal elite want you to believe and repeat. Nothing has changed. Do not waste your time praying for perceived good people on satan's media. Pick up a copy of God's media, the Beautiful Bible. Your whole life story is in there, God is waiting. Your next decision will tell YOU if you want God or satan.

2:13 Here are your options..... SAHT are working flat out to block the precious gift from God and that is YOUR spirituality. God is sifting the wheat from the chaff, eternal life can be yours. This is your Last Chance to repent before the Fall (of satan). Brothers and sisters in Christ and those of Righteousness, stand firm during the tribulation, fear nothing and know that I Am here with you.

2:14 Around 1988 I was hired to look after the musical instruments on stage at the Dominion Theatre in Tottenham Court Road, London. This was a prince Charles charity gig. I shook hands with the Beatles producer George Martin, the whole thing was surreal. I was chatting with Phil Collins (of the band Genesis) and Robert Plant (of Led Zeppelin) we had a beer. A fellow Scot Midge Ure was there. Also Ian Anderson (of Jethro Tull) and pop icon Kate Bush who said she loved my Scottish accent. Kate Bush recently received a royal trinket..... 

The penny did not drop for me at that time. These people had all sold their souls, this was Masonic Theatre, they knew I was special but I did not..... (I do now). Never worship idols. How do you explain that you are living a super-natural life?, how do you prove it?. Ye shall have the sign in Father's time. I know that God the Father was in control and that SAHT thought they were..... 

Here is the divine message. Phil Collins was the book of Genesis. Moses was born in UR (Midge Ure). Moses and Jethro. The Burning Bush (Kate). Me and Robert Plant both knew and spoke about my pretend - friend - FM perp Tony Dangerfield. Robert Plant later wrote a song about satan's reversal of Psalm 29. This was all part of God's plan, it was all to teach me to teach you. I know God Yahweh is in control (not the criminal elite or con-man satan), there is nothing I want other than to serve God the Father. Warning, SAHT are constantly trying to steal your soul, they will tempt you every day in every way. I am living proof that God is on His Throne. I know who I Am and I know I will soon have Dominion to the glory of God the Father.

2:15 I took the leftover bread from Sunday's communion and I fed the fish with it. I prayed for you and yours wherever you are. Love,peace and FR33DOM..... Joseph Christie.

Go back to part one of The True Church of Jesus Christ and read about Lu = lucifer. Now research online "Occultic Lucis Trust" ditto "George Lucas". Did you know St George's Day is on the 23rd April and that he is the patron saint of criminal freemasonry. Help others by passing this on.

Latest news from Jesus (JC3)

Jesus/Joseph "V" Satan/Lucifer

3:1. Here is another huge secret that SAHT do not want you to know..... Lucifer is "V" (fact).
The V is for Venus and Venus is Lucifer. You can research this truth all over the Internet.
I told you about the big letter V on military vehicles, it hypnotises (cons) the gullible. The letter V (lucifer) is all about death. The letter V is the 22nd letter of the English alphabet. We still don't know if our Son was murdered at the river or in his flat, he lived at number 22. Understand that the masons are expert at sacrifice, skits, and theatre, it's satan's police and it's satan's media. Do not be afraid, all righteous people have God Yahweh on their side. 

3:2. This is a war between "Jesus the Second" and "Satan the Turd" (all humour & derogatory is intentional). It is being fought right here in Satan's chosen land (Scotland-Saton). Never forget that Satan and his Tempted (SAHT) always play with words (used as code and to twist and confuse). It is important that your remember that Satan is also called Lucifer by SAHT (aka freemasons). I told you that Satan is known as "Prince of the Air" (hot air = flatulence). Satan/lucifer a is real 100% coward, he uses weak selfish humans to do his dirty work. Dear satan, as a human, I will seek (Hound of Heaven) you and I will destroy you and yours. I still have a vice-like grip, ye are mine in God's time.

3:3. The Mormon-Masons teach that Jesus and satan were brothers. This Cult also teach that satan was really wronged by Jesus. Is this why the Mormon-Masons dehumanise and teach their people to gang-stalk and psychologically terrorise chosen targets (fact). The Mormon-Masons and Jehovah-Masons totally brain-washed most of Scotland from the 1950's and still at it today. They stole the minds of my 7 brothers and sister and turned them all into mind-controlled performing puppets. The sad thing is that they are forced to get their children to join. Research online how both Cults were started by the Freemasons (whose god is lucifer). These scamsters, the Mormons and Jehovahs have their own altered versions of the Bible. I do not hate them, only their ignorance. Any debate can all be done live on camera, not behind closed doors. 

3:4. Please don't be too harsh on low level (conned) members. The Etonian Elite are the most educated, crafty, sick, selfish, satanic, slimy things ever to walk this "Green and pleasant Land" (change to "Dark and Satanic Land"). Go to Wikipedia and "Paradise Lost". Yes, read how the Criminal Elite fully intend to use the Blake and Milton poems and turn prince will-i-am into a fabricated Jesus. Do you think it was coincidence that my Son (murdered by SAHT) was born on the 29th April and the manipulated prince was married on the same date?. The 29th April is the 119th day of the year. I told you SAHT are trying to reverse Psalm 119 into satan's word/law. The 29th April is also 29/4 = 33. Jesus loves YOU, this I know. The EG for "The True Church of Jesus Christ" = 330 = 33 (smile). Turn off satan's noise and find the real you, find the One and only true Jesus.

3:5. Parable of the Bride of Christ. 
In 1970/71, I shared a flat in the old tenement at 26 Kirkland St, Maryhill, Glasgow. Kirk (Ki=119) means Church. I have a real brother whose lifetime nickname is JC (J Christie). He moved to Kirkland St with his first wife. There was a family called Brydon in Kirkland St, my older sister married a Mr Brydon. They had 5 kids, so that name is a big part of my life. Two of them came to the Church for our Son's funeral service. My brother JC separated from his first wife and moved away from Kirkland St. About 25 years ago he re-married and returned to live in Kirkland Street, JC still lives there today (2013). There is much more. I was just a teenager back in 1971 and although my life was super-natural, I still did not know about our God Yahweh (praise be).

The message is that God the Father still has JC (Jesus) in the Kirk (Bryd/Bride of Christ). So now you see how God Yahweh designs everything. Never forget the letters Ki = 119 (Psalm 119 = God's Word/Law). SAHT will again try to change God's plan as soon as they read this (resistance to God Yahweh is futile). SAHT will not accept that Lucy has no power, only boyfriends.  

3:6. You have been conned by satan if you only see with "Hollywood Eyes" i,e. tall, good looking, flash car/house/image, designer this n' that, Botox and useless jewellery. Read in the Beautiful Bible where God Yahweh is not interested in what you look like. God is only interested in the contents of your Heart.

3:7. SAHT (masons) think they know my thoughts but are 93 million miles away. SAHT constantly bug me with their childish psychological games but I enjoy making the controllers work harder. You seriously don't think I will depend on human justice, do you?. It just helps me to pass the time until the Hour. Woe to the main controllers (masonic puppet masters) for doing the work of satan. They do not have a hope in Gehenna for they refuse to repent. Jesus is here in the flesh, everything is meant to be. Tick tock tick....

3:8. Am I special? try finding our home address on Google's Street View (G62 7PQ number 93). You will notice it's all even numbers although I live on the odd number side. The numbers stop at around 70, so the top part of our road doesn't exist. Check it out quickly, SAHT will change it when they read this. They done the same when I wrote about the name-change of Hopehill Road.

3:9. I sing this song regularly "119 is all mine, all mine..... 119 is all mine". It is sang to the tune of "Fog on the Tyne". Psalm 119 is not just mine, Psalm 119 is God's gift to us all, read it, sing it (and smile for Jesus wins). Wherefore art thou Lucy? in bed again with elton johnnie? (sick).

3:10. Scotland is the world's HQ of criminal-satanic freemasonry. The glue that holds the masons together is its Police Force (fact). YOU pay the wages. Yes, there are some good cops but even they have to toe the line or the criminal masons will turn on them. Read Martin Short's book (Free online) called "The Brotherhood. You can also get a free online PDF book of William Gage's book "Win Win". He doesn't mention the word masons, but you will quickly join the dots yourself. W. Gage was going to release another book on the Freemasons, but it didn't happen?. If you are local, you can borrow one of my copies. Alternatively, go to the brilliant LJPR.INFO and click on their Latest News or search through their huge Archives. They use swearwords because they are passionate about the TRUTH. 

3:11.Trick or Treat. You can find SAHT living in small towns like Killearn (Ki=119). Their stolen Ki = 119 is very symbolic/hypnotic to them. It has over 90 millionaires and most want more, more, more of what satan has to offer. Most (not all) live there because SAHT feel safe in their pretend masonic brother and eastern star sisterhood (100% undiluted evil). They hypnotise each other with their false 119/lucifer/god beliefs. 

How did God the Father show me this?. About 6 years ago, I done some honest plumbing and drainage work for the Black Bull Hotel in Killearn. A good job done but they refused to pay. It was a masonic set up from the start. I took them to the small claims court and won my case. They still refused to pay. I also saw the tail end of their occultic Halloween and other parties? in that Hotel. I have had other Masonic Theatre set-up jobs in Killearn. SAHT also love the wealthy symbolic North Berwick (ik = 911). More later. I am not into hatred or revenge. I am compelled to teach what God the Father shows me.

3:12. This spiritual war is not in Megiddo, it's being fought right here in masonic infested Milngavie. You know about Satan as a wolf disguised as a sheep. In 1999, our family done a house exchange to 93 Ashburn Rd with a Mrs Woolfe and we found a large Sickle in the loft (grim reaper or Harvest?). I know that SAHT manipulated it as a curse but God the Father had other plans. Do you think it's by chance that God put me here at 93 Ashburn Road (93 + AS=1/19 + UR=39). This is all designed by God Yahweh and all part of "God's Divine Plan". Whatever happens next is meant to happen. I think nothing of unbelievers, why talk to a dead tree?.

3:13.Without me, ye are nothing and lost in satan's field. I can give, but will ye take?. Mark 8:36..... What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul.

3:14. Know your enemy. The Satanic Triune false god = Satan, his consort Asherah (various spellings) and the Wind of Moriah (The illuminati call themselves wind of moriah).

3:15. In my favourite Church, I became friends with an older sister in Christ. She has a Ki (= 119) in her name. The EG for her name is 144 (smile). This beautiful person has many disabilities and bound to her chair. Her bullet-proof Faith in Jesus is an example for all to see. She is surrounded by loving, caring Christian brothers and sisters. She has had a profound effect on me. and given me the strength to trust humans again. 

Welcome to "The True Church of Jesus Christ" (part 3 of 3) on Sat 11th May 2013. 

Know your enemy, search online for Sandra Barr False Flag, 4th August 2012, London Olympics. SAHT murdered the brilliant young researcher Rik Clay. For more hidden satanic-elite knowledge search online for "The RR" or later articles "The RR9". I do not agree with all of RR's articles but most of it is a real eye opener. To the Christian Soldiers, the next DVD is ready. To the righteous, I will never lead you astray. Love, peace and FR33DOM.....  Joseph Christie

Latest news from Jesus (22nd Nov 2013)

Latest news from Jesus (22nd Nov 2013)

I can give you Truth or do you prefer satan's lie?. I recently posted this truth online and to some Churches in the UK…..

Satan aka Pinocchio (the father of all lies).

4:1. Elijah walked into the Allander Evangelical Kirk. Elijah was a stranger who received a warm welcome. There was a man of God who was sent before Elijah. God has plans for this small Kirk, God is very happy with His children and gave Elijah a whole new family. God the Father has already sown the four mustard seeds which is the four elders. Remember your role, remain humble and focused, for God gives and can take away. Satan and His Tempted (SAHT) are aware and have installed a few snakes/destroyers (Lilith and her neighbours). Wear your spiritual armour and worry about nothing. Continue to do what you do best and follow guidance. The Holy Spirit fills the Kirk, the local Presence of God has become stronger. This is written for those that have ears. Also for those of you who refused to listen to why you are here. Life is your test.

4:2. I took the bread that was left over from Communion. I fed the fish. Now I feedeth the Ravens for the Ravens feedeth Elijah. Father still calls me Joseph. I tell ye the truth, you can only come to the Father through me. "What is truth?" Pilate asked. Here is your answer..... "I Am truth".

4:3. For the last 30 months, God has compelled me to rest on a Saturday. In the book of Genesis, God rested on the 7th day. I have read the arguments and I am not trying to change your ways. I take communion and worship with you every Sunday. I walk, talk, pray and worship seven days and seven nights every week. The 4th Commandment is important to me as is all of God's Law (Psalm 119). I want to be more Holy, but only in Father's Time (after the battle). I had to reach this mature age to see and experience everything. Rabid dogs have to be dealt with.

4:4. I was very spiritually inspired by Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. I don't know if it was the "Good defeats evil" or the 119 meaningful coincidence in my human life (Tolkien =Ki=119). A stranger gave me the book in 1973. I watched the movies when they eventually came out. You can see clearly how SAHT- Hollywood managed to glorify Sauron (satan again). I did not know that JRR Tolkien was a Christian and that he had completed a translation of the "Book of Jonah". This was in the Jerusalem Bible. Last year, we put a fishing rod and a copy of the Jerusalem Bible inside our son's coffin.

4:5. Dreams of Joseph. On 2/2/10, in the early hours I had these vivid dream/messages. I wrote Gd (yes, Gd and not God) is real and can take you anytime. Then another very vivid dream that I was paralysed under the water and was brought back. I could feel and relate to this event, but I do not know the time or place as yet. This was followed by another message, I wrote these notes "Rotherham was relevant". I searched long and hard for the Rotherham message without success. Then in Autumn 2012, I stumbled? online the "Emphasised Bible by Joseph Bryant Rotherham". Go to Amazon and read the positive reviews. You can also download Rotherham's Emphasised Bible for free online. I recommend this Bible to help with your study. I use several Bibles to help me to be where Father wants me to be. The money-lenders have always tampered with Truth (editing the Bible in favour of themselves). Death does not mean they have got off Scott free. None of ye can escape judgement. Even those that pierced Him shall see Him.

4:6. I recently felt the need to watch the movie "The Passion of the Christ" which I had never seen before. My eyes had welled up many times and towards the end I felt anger. Nothing has changed and in fact gotten much worse. Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar". I tell you the truth, give them nothing. Their Roman system is still here today and 1000 times more corrupt. It is the rich serving the rich and they have created evil, sophisticated, satanic secret societies to protect themselves and their brats. Hear me now, you will pay your tithes to God, I have spoken.

4:7. If you live local, visit the Allander Evangelical Church in Milngavie, Glasgow. Come and worship, pray and sing with us. Take God's Grace away with you. Understand why you are here and tune into your divine spirituality. Jesus is knocking on your door. Download the Sermons at Alternatively, go to a Church near you and start your journey to eternal life. Repent and God will forgive you. Do not try to force yourself and do not give up too easily. Watch "The Passion" or read online "The Gospels". Walk with Jesus and find Your narrow path.

Warning, do NOT pay a tithe to a corrupt Church. Legally fight to open their closed doors.

Satan is the present gay ruler of this world (temporary) and wants your soul. Elijah said if you follow baal (satan) then follow baal. I give you my Word that God is as real as I am writing to you now. This is your calling for the battle is now. Reap what you sow (make your choice), eternal life or the Second Death. Chose between you with satan or you with the One and only true God (YHWH) of the Beautiful Bible. Satan aka Lucifer will do everything to block your path. God the Father has many names, such as Yahweh, Jehovah, I Am, Abba Father. I will soon teach you how satan uses hundreds of different names and guises to con the gullible and selfish.

4:8. It has been said that a prophet is not welcome in his own country. Perhaps God will let You decide. Whatever will be, will be by the will of God the Father. Resistance to God is futile.

4:9. I have a message for you. The circus is on its way. I did not want this but it is part of the fight. The circus (SAHT) is all about satan's media to destroy Christianity. The Battle belongs to God. Satan aka Pinocchio (the father of all lies) knows he cannot tempt me. There is Nothing mankind can offer me. There is nothing I need except God. I am His suffering servant (for now).

4:10. More on 119. In the flesh I am phenomenally associated to the number 119. We needed a car and my wife asked God to help. Within 4 hours we had acquired a small car with a 1199cc engine and the Reg Plate looks like Saviour's Family (smile). Last week, we picked up God's Grand- daughter (Scott's baby girl) from the baby sitter who's surname is Mrs KeirXXX (Ki=119). The mother has just been given a bigger house in Ki (=119). Our Son Scott has a verse from Psalm 119 on his memorial stone with an unplanned? number 119 on their (buried beside our family friend) back to back gravestone.

It is important that you know our Scott (up above) will be 33 years old on the 119th day of 2014.

Our Scott is in good Hands and I keep asking Father if we can have him back. The last 4 digits of our Scott's valid Bank Of Scotland debit card are 1911. Around 2010, SAHT had given our Scott a council flat at 133 (33) Kirkton (ki=119) Ave in Knightswood (ki=119), Glasgow. Sick SAHT manipulated it as a satanic curse but Abba Father had planned above this, as always.

Last year (2012) my wife had unknowingly bought me a Virgin simcard with numbers 911 (together) in it. I used it to help victims of criminal freemasonry. I had to stop using it because the deranged masons kept phoning (as a pretend-victim) or sending "mind-game" texts, etc.

My wife recently bought me a Tesco Nokia (ki) mobile phone and I asked God for a 119/911 number. Two weeks ago, I looked at the numbers in the aisle to find a 119 (knowing I was on cctv) I didn't find one. Last Fri 20th Sept, we were in Tescos again. I told my wife that a simcard with my number is over by the checkout. She went away shopping as I went over to look at the numbers. I looked at about 10 cards and the very last simcard had the number 1911 in it, thank you Dad. I previously told you that "119 is all mine" to the glory of God the Father.

On Wed afternoon 11/9/13 (119) I felt driven to spray paint "PSALM 119" on the back of my high visibility jacket. I wore this jacket down through the village (knowing I was on SAHT cctv). On this same date I was compelled to put a Lamp on our rear bedroom window sill. I have left it on every night since the 11th Sept. Search all the different meanings online for "Your word is a Lamp for my feet and a Light for my Path" (Psalm 119). This is all about God's plan for you.

I previously told you we bought a Suzuki on 9/9/09 (still have it in our back garden). It was a strange day and the seller said his advert was not out till next week. I now understand the message that three divine 9's will always be above three evil 6's. Did you spot the Ki in Suzuki? I used to own three Suzuki motorcycles and the big Suzuki letter "S" on the front of the car means Saviour (smile). I even used to have the same big letter "S" on a crash helmet (photo). Our Father has always looked after me, He has a plan for His Children.

Welcome to "The True Church of Jesus Christ" (part 4) Fri 27/9/13. If you want Truth, then read parts 1-3. God does not tell lies. Now do your bit and pass this news to your Church, to the righteous and to those you care about.

Love, Peace and FR33DOM..... Joseph Christie aka Jesus (as promised).