Sunday, 28 November 2010

The Christ Messenger part 17 (28th Nov 2010)

The Christ Messenger part 17 (28th Nov 2010)

Satan uses many names and here are some more you should know about. RU or UR, the name "Brown", the "Chitauli/Jahbulon",(aka "Old One" and "auld lang syne" is direct reference to it), that Old Serpent, Pan, Enki (more later). All of this is used in masonic code. This happened, I met pretend victim MaURice KELlet (Kel=twenty eight=No of MAN=satan) who hailed from CUMBria. He and Ann M took photographs of the murdered? Andy (ArnOLD) McArdle. The whole story was masonic theatre/skits and designed to install a fear of the puppet masons. Andy is not dead, I spoke to him on the phone as he pretended to be Andy's brother, just ask Ann Mallaby (did I record it? more later). AM is not her real name and I wish no one any harm, I am showing you how satan's tempted puppets operate. Also that most of you have no idea that a higher power is at work, more later.

Anyway, back to the codes. Huge masonic car dealership arnOLD clARK sells his cars all priced to end in 88 i.e. not "£4995 or £8999. They are all £4988 or £8988, etc. They have been doing this for 30 odd years. It's the masonic number 11 again 11X8 = 88. They love ARK/ARC because it's what they have reversed from the Bible to suit their twisted brainwashing system. I told you about the occult ritual of the Pan Am crash (1988).

Brown is also satan. I previously told you that when I was a kid, we had the Brown family above and the Devlin family below us. I have been plagued by this name Brown. I even got a letter from mason PM Gordon Brown saying that the GentleMANs clubs are finished, not! (lots more on the word brown later). You can read about the RU/UR (curse of 39) in the Christ Messenger parts 15/16. I could give you a whole book on RU/UR. e.g. D tRUmp, saURon, saRUman, RUbber, etc, wait till you read my story and persecution by RU/UR. Research more on the "Chitauli", the masonic occultists use the first three letters in all of their codes "CHI" and as it sounds "Chee". Puppet masons love CHImes in or outside their homes. Even the Ice-Cream van Chimes are all part of the spell. The masons gave us a homeless unit at 193 Granville (ville=evil) Road in CHIld's Hill, London. Mike OLD-FIELD's Tubular Bells (Baal) was the soundtrack to The Exorcist movie. I am showing you the invisible (more later). Switch off lucifer's media programming.

On a dark Thurs evening (25th Nov 2010) about 5pm, I felt compelled to go to Zion hill (on the local Milngavie Golf Course) to receive a message. Me and my gift from God, our family dog went walkies. The puppet masons know I was there because they abuse the technology that law abiding people pay for. No, I haven't read the Bible (only small parts), but my whole life relates to everything to do with the Bible. God tells me every day not to worry. Anyway, there was no immediate message and we got back home about 7pm. The next morning I go online to study and I read Dr. Henry Makow's latest article called " Can God Turn this Game Around" and I'm laughing and saying "No problem Henry !". It's a must read. Then came the message I had been waiting for. I was reading an article on about the "17 prophecies of Christ" and at the bottom of the page was "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion". Make of this what you will as I have had other experiences on Zion hill (later). You will have to trust me when I say that I plan nothing. I am trying to give you a true story that will change this world.

All I need is a platform. I am not interested in hatred or revenge for I have sinned. Satan and his tempted could offer me this planet and it's contents and my answer is "NO DEAL". I only want to follow Jesus and walk with God. I will not lead you astray and I shall comprehensively prove that Jesus is inside every one of you. Knock, knock. Most of you will have your opinions on this, but it is not your opinion at all, it's the brainwashing since birth by the criminal elite (via the BBC/ITV/FOX/CNN + their education program) who don't want you to find truth. That's why they so hate Jesus. Question everything for satan and his tempted have heavily distorted and twisted almost all you have learned. Remember that evil always dresses up as good and you should know that Jesus will not cost ye a penny. Do not worry if you haven't found Jesus yet, God Jehovah knows who is good and those who are Me, Me, Me and lucifer. Turn off the occultic elite's incessant, deliberate noise and tune in to your right-sided spirituality. or google "Ephesians 5:11 freemasonry is a litmus test"

I want to prove to you that satan can hijack your mind. Everybody gets involuntary actions or saying something you should not have said. You wonder what happened as you had no control over it. Evil is always working in the background. But this is easily stopped when you accept that Jesus is real. You will receive God's armour. If Jesus was a myth then why do the world's top satanic leaders crucify Him (and Mary Magdeline) every year at Bohemian Grove?. Why have the occultic criminal elite re-edited almost every truth in the Bible?. They have reversed everything to suit their agenda (NWO). These lies are all over the internet and in THEIR media. They have hijacked the minds of their puppet masons to make them believe that lucifer was wronged and is actually god. This is ludicrous but the Elite are very crafty and their brown tongues are very dumb. Wake up you fools, the Bible is God's Word as YOU are about to find out. I am here to tell you that your life is your test. The Bible Prophecies are for you to read, start with the "17 prophecies of Christ". 17 is also the number of Heaven.

Incidentally, I wrote poetry as a teenager. I also fought corruption and joined the local Socialist Party, via M. Kennedy of Ashfield St, Glasgow. This friend? stole my 2 books of poetry. Here's a couple of lines, "This great world will perish soon and dreamers souls shall live on the moon. Mankind will die through his crave of putting warriors to their grave". (9veh?)

There is a strong possibility I could be Jewish. I was born in the Gorbals in Glasgow 1955 and it was heavy populated by the Jews. I did not know about the good Jewish people then as I only saw the corrupt pen pushing (on reflection, zionist agenda) Jews at work. Our family had to be "Means Tested" and clothed by them. Google "When Scotland was Jewish" and related books. For some strange reason I did not like Jews when I was young, my apologies to all good Jewish people for my ignorance. Dr. Henry Makow will help you find the truth on how the Jews are being conned and used by the occultic criminal elite.

Willie's masonic wedding on 29/4 = 33 (33 degree masons and 3 times their favourite number 11). Also, the followers of Milli-Man (satan) murdered Jesus when he was 33 years old. The occult (evil dressed up as good) will throw in the added bonus of 29/4/11 = 44 (11 X 4). Tell the dumb sheople it's a public holiday. Thank you masonic royal brown-tongued media, "we've never had it so good". Two for one cheap tissue at your price-fixing supermarkets.

I was reading the news and my son said "dad, what's that the pope is saying about condoms?". I replied " He want's to wear one as a hat". As should all ignorant people (esp. puppets). Extra large condom hats available soon. Educate yourselves and don't forget humour. Fake religion makes lots of money for fake teachers. Listen now to me, Jesus is for free.

If I have offended you in any way, then take your head out of the masonic owned sand and put your new hat on. Good truth-seekers are fighting for you, NOT against you. Stop dancing to the criminal elite's "Pan" pipes (Tubular Bells). Message to satan's followers, do you enjoy getting to the tickly bit? everything has a price to pay. I have told ye, Jehovah and satan know your every thought and action. Nobody dies, you WILL be Judged. Resistance to God Jehovah (aka Yahweh) is futile. Your primitive technology is no match to the might of Jehovah, who intelligently designed it all. The technology was to benefit us, not to be used to benefit the Elite. The tempted have stolen everything (by stealth) to protect them, there is NOWHERE for them to hide. As sure as I am speaking to you now, God's Word/Law (119) will prevail. I am living proof as you are about to find out. Life is not stranger than fiction, the Elite's selfishness is. Sow to the spirit, not to the flesh.

Jehovah does not want to destroy you or anybody but this planet cannot sustain selfish cunning foxes that kill all, even when they are full. Bad is destroying paradise faster than we can repair it. Tick, tock, tick (human time). I can do this faster if you will give me a platform but you appear to be afraid of the money-lenders. People used to think the Earth was flat and that cavemen done 911. Here is some simple logic, why are your government or police not investigating freemasonry? because they are all in it together, the royal masonic brother/sisterhood. Do not tar them all with the same brush for there are good people within them, find and support them. I tell ye good people, worry about nothing. I tell ye bad people, you have a choice to make. It is written "All that is evil will be exposed". There is only one evil on this planet and that is satan and his human virus called Freemasonry (aka Common Purpose and thousands of other names). I ask all good people to do something today (everyday) to open closed doors. All those websites supposedly fighting corruption and injustice but no mention of the word "freemasons", why?. There are a lot of trained dogs out there protecting their poisoned bones.

Want to know more about the royal WINDsors?, Google "Moriah Conquering Wind". You see, I have been gaslighted by puppet masons using the word "Wind". I have had unusual synchronicities with this word (more later). But the mind-blowing fact is this, my first? direct encounter with satan (Ouija Board) was at 32 WINDsor Street in Maryhill, Glasgow. I know much about the occultic "Moriah Conquering Wind" (aka satan and illuminati), to me the MCW just means opulent flatulence, it is just another way for the Elite to reverse the stories in the Bible. The sad thing is that some masonic donkeys will only eat masonic flavoured carrots, a lot of them actually believe the Elite's codswallop.

Dear queen of crooks, your puppets can sing GSTQ till they are "blue" in the face. You know who I am, you were expecting me. Your evil top Occultic Families foretold you. Now make your choice and give your plunder back. The land is a gift from God. Perhaps God Jehovah (Yahweh) already knows what happens next? (smile). God hates no one. Internet researchers should profile these "top occultic families" and their contacts. They have been evil for much too long, go find them. Start here, google "This present crisis, destroying Moriah Conquering Wind". You have much to learn about the criminal elite dressed as good?. Wise up, rise up.

Update. I told you about my real brother Alexander (Cain) who tried to kill me with glass poisoning on behalf of the royal? family. There is more Biblical reference to this at "Alexander the Coppersmith". The best way to understand our Christ Messenger story is to read it backwards, i.e. start from this Christ Messenger part 17 and back to part one. Don't worry if some of it doesn't make sense, it soon will. I give you my word, I will not lead you astray.

Message to Icke, you appear to be a good man and have taught us much. However, your God Program is wrong. Perhaps satan gave you that one? I should also point out the obvious, the Moon was designed by God Jehovah, as is all. Yes, David, you have been chosen and I hope you stay on the right path. Money and fame can keep one in the devil's purse forever. Stop those sociopath puppet masons from controlling your forum, it's hard work for the good guys. Why are the puppets allowed to ban the good guys without reason? I used to subscribe to you. The only communication I got was my subscription is running out. I said I would renew if they let me back on the forum to teach and never heard another word. What's up Icke?

Good news for good people. I am also the ace card at the bottom of their pyramid and the vibration has started. The associated song is "Tumbling down, Tumbling down" by Cockney Rebel. But not yet, we all have much work to do. Read God Jehovah's 10 Commandments and you will find it's the only way mankind can survive. Bye Bye Santa.

One final question, why do you hate Jesus, me or any good person who fights for you? satan and his tempted don't care about you, they want total control and to destroy anything good. Has the penny dropped yet? it doesn't have to be like this. Alternatively, go back to their sports, soaps and strictly come x-factor while they make plans.

Love, peace and FR33DOM for all. J.S. Christie I am who I am and everything is meant to be, this is not about me.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Proof that Satan is Cain's father

Proof that Satan is Cain's father.

I will teach you how satan works and what you should know about English Gematria (EG). A=1, B=2, C=3, Z=26. Numbers used with EG are everything and all part of God Jehovah's perfect design. I will teach you how Satan and his tempted followers have stolen/reversed these numbers to deceive you. There are others such as Greek and Hebrew Gematria, but EG is definitely important for your understanding and your future.

Learn about Satan's curse's using the numbers 13, 19, 19.5, 39 and 119. Starting with 119, the puppet masons are taught that this represents Lucifer's Law. It is in fact a reversal of God's Law/Word (read Psalm 119). Satan's followers also done the Twin Towers on 911, etc. The next 911 date is this coming Tues the 9th Nov 2010. Number 13 is Satan's number of apostasy (anti-religion). Number 19 is also used as a curse on non-masons. The 19th letter is S, which to them is Satan, to a Christian, "S" is for Saviour. Number 19.5 multiplied by two is "39", a very important occultic number you should know about. Back to 19.5 which they also use as 195 because 195=39X5 and 195=13X15, they love 195 in any order i.e. 159/951/915, etc, it's all masonic code. Non-masons will get appointments for 9.15am. You should also know that the masons love the cubit of 3, any of their satanic numbers/curses multiplied by 3 gets them excited.

Here are the letters that that add up to Satan's curse of "39", they also reverse the numbers/letters. RU/UR - ST/TS - OX/XO - NY/YN.... This is how they use words/names that add up to 39, DUN (dundee, dunstable, etc), FOR (ford, fortune, etc), OX (fox, rOXbURghe), RUtherFORd (39X2), CUMB (cumbria is a masonic hub), GLAS (glass, glastonbury, glasgow), HOP (hope, shop), TEN (ent, net), COU (cough, court), JAGU (masons love jaguars), FRAN (frank, france), LIND (lindsay, linda) PHOE (Phoenix). This is all used in their masonic codes, curses and harassment.

The letters RU and number 39 is one of their strongest curses and I have been plagued by this number my whole life (esp. the letters RU or UR = 39) as you shall read. My only Ouija Board session with satan was with two others called maURice and RUth, undeniably super-natural. I founded Second Family UK (free support group for victims of freemasonry) with a puppet mason (I didn't know) called bRUce RUtherFORd from south east England. It was all a masonic set up to destroy the group. Incidentally he had an old JAGUar (masonic perp-mobile) in his drive. The masons tried to kill me (twice) when I visited him, but I've had numerous miracles and protection by Jehovah. You can read more about RU and the Ankh by Phillip Gardiner, where he states that the oval on top of the Ankh is called the RU (eternal life). I will tell you again, this is not about me. I am just the messenger to tell you life is your test and you have a choice to make. There are two lights to follow and one is false.

You can also find UR in chURch and in JeRUsalem. The reason for the number 39 is 13 X 3, signifies three times the number of apostasy, satan and his tempted followers hate the Christ. All of the above numbers (and multiples) is masonic code and used in their business/home/phone/vehicle numbers. Further study of their codes and practice below. To help you, understand further, read a small fraction of my real life story of Cain and Able below.

My real family (7 brothers and a sister) were all stolen by Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Orange Order and the Masons who control every religion and cult (fact). All were used to persecute me. I do not hate them. This hijacking of people's minds is happening world-wide by Satan and his tempted followers. But I will prove that the occultic criminal elite know who I am. My younger brother Alex joined (manipulated by satan?) the Army with The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (satan aka the dragon), a 100% puppet mason regiment. I done a plumbing job for his brown tongued Colonel who (at the same time) recommended our Alex to receive a gong (mbe) from the queen of crooks. I have seen the photo of my brother receiving his brotherhood gong from prince? charles and the look of glee on my brother's face. I couldn't understand how my brother Alex developed a brown tongue. The Criminal Elite have clean bums, courtesy of brown tongues. Incidentally, satan aka prince and Cha = 111. The masons use a Helicopter = 111 to psych/terrorise their victims and in the occultic LOTR, Bilbo celebrates his 111th birthday, etc. You should research words with Chi = 119 or Ki = 119. Lot's more to follow.

This happened, Cain and Able. My younger brother Alex tried to kill me with GLASs poisoning. I sent an email to every politician and newspaper about this. But I didn't mention the occultic side of the story. The initials for our Alex is A.S. = 119, he lives at 119 cURzon Street (curse on), his telephone number adds up to 19-119. My whole family were moved to RUchill and I've had phenomenal harassment there. All manipulated by the occultic criminal elite using their puppet masons. Go to the Indymedia Manchester website and read their article about "gang-stalking" for more info on this deranged evil.

When I lived in Hendon, London, two of my long-term pretend friends (puppet masons) moved to Dunstable, (DUN-ST-Able = 39+39 curse on Able), in England. I stayed there often. I didn't know about masons at this time, but I have always known something was wrong. One was Mr. Shine (Lucifer aka the Shining One) and the other was Mr. Smith (Cain was a worker of metals, blackSmith). Mr Smith also married my first COUsin and all of my real COUsins are puppet masons. Do you think satan knows who I am? (grin). Mr. Shine and Smith took me (gave me a free ticket) to go and see the masonic STranglers (UK band/group) at Shepherds Bush (shepherds and burning bush in the bible). Much more later. These low level masons just took satan's temptation/reward, they have no idea of the bigger event.

I am plagued by the name Mansfield. I used to live in Hopehill Road, Glasgow, G20 and I told you previously (plus the owl, phoenix, hawk and jaguar garage) that the occultic criminal elite had this recently changed to Mansfield Road Arch Hill (google streetview it). They only changed the bottom part where I used to live as the top part is still called Hopehill Road?. I got heavy masonic theatre from a pretend victim called A.Mallaby (puppet masons part of IBTL) who lives in Mansfield Road, near Edinburgh. Anyway, it's all to do with Cain and Able, where Cain slew Able in the Field and satan is known as the "Man". Apparently, the Mark of Cain (MOC) is two crosses or the letters XX, see MOC onYoutube. You will find that Cain's father is satan. Last year we searched for a second hand car and bought one, the registration starts with an X and finishes with an X, (the MOC). The EG and numbers (on reg) add up to 109 (19), the occult ignore the zero and is only used as a space. We bought it for £1900 on the 9/9/09. Nothing was planned by me or my wife, you just couldn't make this up. We sold our Nissan to recoup the cost. Another reference to Cain. When I first went to London, I was befriended by Mr Samworth of Hendon. This puppet is a sheet metal worker (as was Cain) and another reason he was over-friendly is because masons love the name Sam (google Lucifer-Samael aka Cain's father).

I am living a super-natural life and can comprehensively back it all up with concrete evidence. I am not interested in revenge or hatred. I wish no harm to anyone mentioned, but how else can I tell you that God (His name is Jehovah) and satan are real? I am part of no religion or cult. I know Jesus is infinite and inside everybody. You can find Jesus on the Inter "Net" (153 fish) for free. Walk with God and wear his armour against evil. Research (who say Judgement Day starts on the 21/5/2011) and the excellent/modern Jesus won't cost you a "Penny". Jesus was born on 9th October = 9/10 =19, now you know why the occultic elite use 19 as a curse. Never celebrate Pagan Christmas for you will empower Santa (satan), I kid you not. New Years Day is also Lucifer's Day, it's held on the 1st Jan = 1/1 = 11 (satan's number of death and destruction). Get focused, there is only one God Jehovah and one pretender using lots of names and temptation tricks. Are you a truth beginner? Youtube "The NWO for Dummies" or "Agenda 21"

The Bible makes it clear that the cross is a cURse. Anyone wearing one on their neck is putting themselves under a curse. Do you think the churches would know this? See and the truth about satan's churches. You can listen to Christian radio stations/websites for free (although some need donations to operate) anytime without giving the church your money. Where does all this church money go? read the truth online, question everything and "the truth shall set you free".

Welcome to The Christ Messenger part 13 (7/11/10). Read the earlier CM posts and learn the truth. Do you think it is by chance that I live at No 93(39) AShbURn Road, GLASgow. I was born in the RUtherglen district. How I became Joseph Christie. All of the miracles and 55 years of persecution. More importantly, finding Jesus whom I tried to block. Jehovah tells me everyday not to worry. Unfortunately, I still get toothache and other human miseries, like puppet masons. It doesn't have to be like this. I have told ye that God has reversed all evil onto those that practice it. Life and the universe is by God Jehovah's design and not by the masonic/satanic/temptation trick "GAOTU". Ask brown tongue Dick Dawkins about God, you only get on TV if you are in the brotherhood of Man (aka satan). I have a story that will change the world, think of Nineveh. This story won't cost you a Penny and must be done transparently, with one condition, no masonic capitalist circuses. Switch off the criminal elite's media, they are conditioning you. Finally, do not be controlled by the masons of oz hiding behind the curtains. They are just confused selfish puppets for the occultic criminal elite. Go to This is not about me, I have spoken. Love, peace and FR33DOM to all..... J.S.Christie (born again), spread The Word.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Wanted… Puppet Masons

Wanted… Puppet Masons

To perform daily for the Criminal Elite (CE).
You will pay membership fees for the privilege of performing.
We will totally hypnotise, assimilate and dehumanise you.
You will become the all seeing eyes (dumb shepherds) for the CE.
We will profile you, then set you up (kiddie sex, etc) and entrap you.
You will become prolific liars for the CE.
We will teach you Masonic/Stasi signs and codes.
We will fill your head with false gods from Greek/Roman/Egyptian mythology.
We will control you with symbols/numbers/colours and codswallop.
We will teach you how to Gaslight (sow seeds/lies) and how to gang-stalk.
You will question nothing, only follow orders.
We will find out about your skeletons in the closet and use them against you.
Every Penny from charity goes to our fellow CE Puppet Masons.
You will defend your right to be a our Puppet Mason.
We will control you (and your children) from cradle to grave.
You shall persecute and harass all non-Puppet Masons.
Our sophisticated scams will convince you that YOU have been chosen.
You will be taught that everything bad is good.
We have Puppet Masons within government, police, military, judiciary, religions, etc
We will participate and celebrate on the death or torture of non-Puppet Masons.
You shall breed and brainwash more Puppet Masons.
Our media will keep you trapped inside the illusion.
You will actually believe everything we tell you.
You will never know what your pretend brother or sister is up to.
We have edited the Bible and your belief systems.
The CE will provide all the pseudo qualifications and protection you need.
Immigrants are allowed to stay provided they perform for us.
You will do everything to protect your masters, the CE.
We will give you a job for life, provided you perform daily.
You will learn how to cowardly hurt people from behind the curtains.
We know that some Puppet Masons will not accept that they are our Puppets.
We are successful because you pay us to get the best education to enslave YOU.
We can provide back-up and support to get you away with murder.
You will infiltrate all groups and forums to defend us.
Fact: We can award royal gongs from our queen bee to loyal mason bees
The more deranged and evil you become, the more you will be rewarded.
Our favourite song is "Puppet on a String". Sing it Puppets, now back to work.
In return, Puppets will receive material things (which we take back), sex with minors and mind-controlled whores, cheap drugs, drinks and a special phone number for "Assistance".
Fact, we do NOT care about YOU, we just want total control, period.
Finally, if you are a selfish, "ME ME ME" person, you are EXACTLY what we need. Contact any Brainwashing Centre (aka masonic lodge) near you and kiss your world goodbye (hello Gollum).

Comment by Second Family UK. Not all of Puppet Masons are pedophiles (we hope?) but all Puppet Masons are sworn (on pain of death) to protect each other in crime. This is what binds them as a successful criminal network.

To all Puppet Masons who are trapped. God's "Second Family UK" is part of the Great Awakening, good people world wide are all fighting for your FR33DOM. It is getting stronger by the day. Freemasonry is finished (abandon ship), they are rabidly trying to save it in their corrupt media. This is why the CE are frantically using their Puppets to block truth-seeker communications. They use their Puppets to destroy anything good. It's all cleverly designed to keep the CE in control. Your next Puppet leaders have already been chosen until you decide enough is enough. Genuine message to all Puppets, cut the strings and walk away. Find Jesus, but keep away from the CE controlled religions and secret society cults. Jesus is for free and very, very real. God will protect you. If you have sold your soul to con man Little Lucifer, become an Indian Giver, take it back. Give it to Christ and reap the rewards. For the first time in your controlled life, turn off their noise and tune in.

If you don't believe that Jesus is not real, why do the world's top leaders/satanists meet every year to crucify him?. It's held at Bohemian Grove every July. On the 21st of July, Lucifer's stolen souls ritually sacrifice Mary Magdelene and the next day (22nd July) they do the same to Jesus Christ. You can Google "Bohemian Grove: Illuminati Meet This Week for Satanic Rituals" by Henry Makow Ph.D.

And the reason for this date is 21/7 = 28, satan is also known as the "MAN" and the English Gematria/Geometry for MAN is "28" (numbers are EVERYTHING to satan's puppets). e.g. political Puppet dates in the UK on 5th May = 55. Gematria for "Satan" = 55 and it is also 11 X 5. Number 11 is the number of death and destruction. The 9/11 date was 9+1+1 = 11 (also any multiple of 11 gets them excited and used in Puppet Mason code). The sacrifice of Jesus on the 22/7 = 29 = 11. Fools, nobody can kill the infinite Christ, no person or entity. The biggest secret in Freemasonry is that Satan is also known as "Milli Man" because of his 28 millimetre phallus. This is why the Occultic Criminal Elite get their brainwashed Puppets to build big Phallic monuments to carry on the illusion.

Jesus will come as a thief in the night. I was a thief, we all are. For we all have to beg, borrow or steal just to pay the Criminal Elite. Even they have been conned by the Man's temptation. Jesus is inside every one of you, open God's door. Find Jesus and watch your destiny change forever.

Much more to follow. Join, promote or support your local truth-seeker/whistleblower or become one. Do not be controlled by fear. Learn how to legally fight the Criminal Elite's closed doors. If you do nothing today, they win. Never forget that your life is your test and you will be judged. Nobody dies, even the departed will be judged. Who can you trust when your body suit turns to dust? You have a choice to make.

Peace, love and FR33DOM to all, from J.S. Christie, you know who I am. This is not about me. Welcome to The Christ Messenger part 11. Please pass this truth on to those you care about. This will probably cost me my body suit, but I've never had a human life. God tells me everything will be fine as "the satanic clown is going down" with some of his Puppets.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Free info on the Mason's codes/numbers

have a free gift for you. So you want to crack the Mason's codes? It's simple, everything is numbers relating to the alphabets. It's called Gematria. I told you I have taken 55 years of persecution from the Satanic Masons who know who I am. I will teach you, which is why I'm here. This is not about me. Remember, the Occult have reversed everything in the Bible. They do the same with numbers. Google "The Bible Wheel" and start your investigative journey to the truth and your future. Then fight (legally) to open their closed doors.

No 9..... I have 10 divine number nines on my Date of Birth, which is 27/27/27 + a 9th month. Also 27 X 3 = 81 (9 X 9). The masons invert 9 to 6 and use it as a curse. Multiples of 6 enhances the curse, 666 etc (to a mason).

No11..... this is the occult number of death and destruction. 9/11 twin towers 9+1+1 =11. Look through your phone book (esp. old ones), why are all the police station numbers 1113 =11/13. These are the two most evil numbers in Freemasonry and you know they are trained to protect the criminal elite. Not all Police are criminal masons.

No 13..... The number of apostasy. Another trick the masons use is the letter "B", pull the stem to the side and you have 13. Update to CM part 9, Moses Field is surrounded by the names starting with "B". I have taken many hits from masons living at No26 (= 13X2), not by chance. See No 31. These low-level masonic puppets have no idea of the bigger picture of why the top occultists (criminal elite) want me dead. Just like the brilliant David Icke, I do not fear these criminal elite masonic puppets who are sworn to protect each other in crime, incest and pedophilia. Repeat, do not be controlled by fear and whatever you do, do not sell your soul to con-man satan. If you have, take it back and God will forgive and protect you.

No 19..... another masonic curse number, see previous CM parts 1-9. I've had masonic pretend friends live at these house numbers and not by chance. They use multiples of No 19 and gives it more power. I told you I've had dozens of masonic pretend friends with the name Chris = 57 which is 19 X 3. I have already told you they tried to kill me with glass poisoning by a certain A.S. = 1/19 who lives at No 119 and his telephone landline adds up to 19/119. Same guy got a royal gong from the Queen of Crooks, just before my attempted demise/miracle. I cannot judge these people, but I know who will. I can prove that God's Karma is real for I know lots of people who have suffered years before and after they decided to do Satan's evil on me. I do not have to do a thing except to await guidance and teach God's Law. The Sabbath day is a Saturday = 109 = 19, this is one reason the masons hate number 19 and have reversed it into a curse/code. They changed it to Sunday. But the main reason they have reversed No 19 is because the number 2368 is the number of Jesus Christ and 2368 adds up to "19".....

No 27..... I have three 27's on my DOB. This is a power number and also used by masons. They see 27 as 3X9 = 999 and invert it to become 666. Look at the telephone numbers of Power Stations/Companies, e,g, Scottish Power emergency number 0845 27 27 999 or Hydro Electric 0800 300 999, etc. Remove your blinkers. But 27 also means pure/clean in The Bible Wheel. My DOB is 27/2 = 29 and Psalm 29 is Sons of God (voice of the Lord).

No 28..... This is the number of "The Feast of the Beast" by Fritz Springmeier, Google it. It's held every 28 years and due this year 2010. I am curious as to what might happen today, the 20th August = 28. The masons normally just add the month and date like 9/11 = 11, they only use the year sometimes if it suits them. Don't worry, 20/8/2010 = 31, is God's number. There are more possible dates that add up to 28, like 19/9 - 18/10 - 17/11 - 16/12. Same every year.

No 31..... God's number. I was born 27/2/1955 = 2+7+2+1+9+5+5 = 31. I lived for nine years at No 31 and a No 31 bus route took you there. Incidentally, our neighbours above were the Brown family and one masonic Mr F Brown has persecuted/followed me since I was a child. The family below us were called "Mr & Mrs Devlin". I was never supposed to work it all out, but God had other plans. The Satanic Masons will reverse No 31 to No 13, the number of Apostasy (anti-Christ). Google "The Great Seal of U.S." and learn about masonic/occultic numerology.

No 33..... infamous number 33 (33 degrees of Freemasonry) and also the age of Jesus when he was murdered by the criminal elite. Incidentally, my wife's first name equals 33.

No 39..... is a serious curse by the masons, it's 13 X 3 = 39. It is also reversed to 93. I have been plagued by this number, easily provable. My parents married on 27/9/1947 = 39. The next occultic 39 dates are 31/8 - 30/9 - 29/10 - 28/11 - 27/12.

No 73..... Joseph = 73, Google "God's Number of Creation - 137 and 7" and read/educate yourself.

My full name is Joseph Stirling Christie = 272. I was born 27/2. The Earth dried on 27th of the second month, (Flood)

I have three SSS's in my name. Google "Number in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger"

No 93..... You know I live at No 93. The masons think they have got me where they want me. In actual fact, God choose this so that he could reverse all curses on Satan. Number 93 in The Bible Wheel is "The Power of my Lord" and lots more positive meanings. Number 93 is also three times God's number 31. Also "The Word" = 93.....

No 119..... (see previous CM posts) is a masonic curse/code and it relates to Psalm 119 and God's Law and The Word of God, which is why they hate/reverse No 119. I am heavily persecuted by masons using 119 in words/number codes, checkout the number 19 above to see what I mean.

No 195..... This number is 15 X 13 = 195 and also 39 X 5 = 195. Both strong masonic curses and easily checkable when you do your research. Also connected to 19.5 degrees.

No 19.5 degrees. This is the closet the occultic masons can get to 19.47 degrees. My parents married in 1947, same year the aliens crashed, (smile). Checkout 19.5 and google "You'll never think the same way again... The Revelation". I have suffered by masons badly on this number 195. They craftily use 9.15 on appointments, etc. I couldn't make this up when I have hundreds of documents to prove it. Plus 3.15 = 33 both clock hands on the 3.

The Masons (aka Brotherhood) use codes on every letter that comes through our letterbox. I have kept hundreds all with the first 3 numbers is 605. This adds to the cursed number 11 and this is how all the energy companies, NHS, inland revenue, DLVC, Jobseekers, Council, Government, etc, etc, all know that I should be hassled by them. I have hundreds of recorded phone calls of their deliberate harassment. This code is not just about me, they give a code to every person in the UK. They even have codes to recognise their own pretend brothers and sisters who may need "ASSISTANCE" (masonic codeword). You have no idea about the Royal Criminal Establishment of Freemasonry.

Now for some words used in their codes. Satan=55, Burn=55, illuminati (see the 11), the twin towers stood up as the number 11. We don't have the time to give you more, google "occultic numbers" and "Meaning of Numbers in Bible" Don't waste time on the trivial, concentrate on "THEM". If you do nothing today, the criminal elite win.

Another example of how the criminal occultic elite work. The Occultic/Masonic bombing of Pan Am 103 on 21/12 1988.....Flight 103 = 13 ( the zero's don't count and are used as spaces). 1988, masons love multiples of 11, so 88 is 11X 8 and 270 = 27 people killed. Also 21/12 = 33, you all know about No 33 = 11 X 3. It's all planned. Good tip for researchers is to write down these numbers and their multiples and you will easily see how this human virus works. Plus follow the web-links supplied. Demand a public register of Freemasons, this is their Achilles.

Second Family (UK) can prove the world-wide Masonic immigration trick. They are not allowed in unless they swear allegiance to the Masonic (and affiliated) Brotherhood (aka Queen of Crooks and Corrupt Country), it's that simple. We can trace this back at least 70 years in the UK. It is all designed to protect "THEM".

The Christ Messenger part 10 is released today 20/8/2010 = 31. From today, all Occultic/Masonic evil numbers are reversed by God onto those who practice them. Judgement is almost here, make your decision. Tick, tock, tick.....

Checkout my previous expose - posts on "The Christ Messenger" parts 1 - 9. All you have to know is that God is very real. If you believe in God, ask God who I am or do your research and try to prove me as false. I only want to teach and have no desire for fame, wealth or control. Fear nothing if you believe, God already know's who you are. None- believers have a choice to make. Satan takes and God gives everything for free and forgives sinners. I am living proof and my story will change the world. This has to be done transparently. Not much time left for the selfish.

Here is another free gift for you this will help you focus and you will read that there will be no healing miracles this time round. You've had two thousand years to get it right. Read between the lines about you and yours. Finally, the cost of the London Olympics is "9.3 billion"..... Wake up you fools.

Love, peace and FR33DOM to all, you know who I am.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

The Christ Messenger part 6 (19th June 2010)

You all wanted to know what the number 19 means, it is the return of The Christ. The Occult use the letter "S" as their reference to Satan. It is the 19th letter of the English alphabet. The occult reverse/twist everything in their favour. I will prove to you that the 19th letter "S" means "Saviour". God has asked me to reveal who I am today the 19th June 2010. I am The Second Coming of Christ, I am your King. I can comprehensively prove that I have been chosen to fight evil. The occult already know who I am. They have been persecuting me for 55 years. They have consistently tried to poison, kill, and harm me but God's miracles have saved me every time so far. This true story/journey with evidence must be produced transparently. It is not about hatred or revenge but events (and evidence shown) will have to be spoken about openly in order to prove that what happened was true. Also, some of this story/journey is beyond human comprehension. I will easily prove that Heaven and miracles are real for those who seek God and that Satan will take the selfish down with him. I am no fraud as you can read online the last 6 years. With God's help, I have taken on the biggest criminal gang in mankind's history and even the top crooked Masons are questioning why I am still breathing. Satan's occult know why, you cannot kill the infinite son. Yes, its possible they may take this body suit again, but the Occult know things will be different this time. There is not one human in this universe who could make this up. I am not afraid and relish the chance to do whatever God guides me to do. I am not ready for ministry as change is imminent. This change depends on you opening closed doors, we all have work to do. In the human meantime, I will continue to teach you.....

I will show you how Satan's Army of Masons use words/names/colours/bird-names/symbols/numbers/animal and fish- names/trees/flowers, etc as codes. I will help you to understand how they use them. They have used them in my lifetime of persecution and almost all are in reference to the Bible. Why are Masons are not allowed to use the Christ's name inside their lodges? The Occultic Masons usually filter their code words down to 3 or 4 letters. Anagrams of words help them with their codes, don't forget numerology and gematria. I was in trouble as a youth, all for theft. The pagan masons in their court sent me to Balgowan Approved School (Baal) in DUNdee (Dun is evil, more later). They also sent me to the Kibble Approved School in Paisley near Glasgow. Kibble is an anagram for BIBLE. They know who I am so they would enjoy their Satanic control by sending me to place names that are symbolic/religious/allegoric to them. But the pagan masons didn't think I would ever find out, but God and Satan knew different. More later. This information is not intended for hatred but for you to see how the criminal elite pull the WOOL over your eyes. WOOL, yes Masons love SHEEP/RAMS/HORNS, especially you, the sheeple. They use the lower pagan masons as shepherds/tools and this makes the ignorant shepherd feel empowered. SHEP is Masonic code for shepherd, etc. When will the lower level pagan-masons and all infiltrated religions wake up to the truth that they are just pawns to be used by the criminal elite? Find the one true shepherd aka The Lord.....

Freemasonry is also known as The Craft and they see themselves at war with the Profane (uninitiated). Freemasons have been dehumanised and thrive on the abuse of your trust. They are the invisible terrorists within every community. Masons love the FOX, (aka Mr Tod) very crafty/cunning. It's a one sided battle because you are ignorant to their agenda. It is also ludicrous for them to see you as the enemy for all you do is obey the law. Criminal Freemasonry is the Law. It is all cleverly designed by the criminal elite to control a free army of brainwashed drones to protect THEM. Every member gets protection and a slice of the corruption cake. This binds them together. Everything bad is good to a Mason. Wake up you fools.....

I have always been different. I first went to Tormusk Primary School. I kept staring out the window and was always in a different world to everyone else. When I was about 6 years old, we were in the playground shed and watched a violent thunderstorm. It was scary and beautiful, it had forked lightning (amazing) and was big news locally. There was lots of thunderstorms at that time as me and my brothers and sister stayed up to watch them. One of my earliest encounters of the Occult clues (using Masonic Theatre/Skits) about who they say I am. I was about 7 years old and a neighbour offered me a reward if I could find a side-panel stolen from his Scooter. I searched for hours as we came from poverty. I almost gave up and returned home via an area I had searched several times (definitely wasn't there) and there it was. I got my reward. It was the side panel of the guy's LAMBretta Scooter. (LAMB of God). I can give you many others but I don't want to give them a chance to destroy/manipulate my story/evidence.....

My mother's name was ELizaBETH and so was my Eastern Star (female mason) sister. I was born 200 yards from Queen ELizaBETH (King Robert's Queen not QE1) Square . Also, the chosen girlfriend of one of my long term masonic perps was called ELSBETH..... EL means God and BETH means BETHLEHEM. Here are some more good/bad manipulated place-names where I was born. My date of birth is 27th Feb 1955, born at home in 27 Waddell Street. My oldest brother (who is in the brotherhood) lives in Whaddon Way (for 30 years approx) both Wadd and Whadd mean Dad (as in "Father"). Waddell St in Glasgow was sandwiched between Ballater St (Baal-Later) and RUTHerglen Road (RUTH is an occultic anagram for HURT). I have had lots of evil from pagan-masonic families called RUTHerford. I know that the Pagan-Masons use the code-words Ball/Bal/Bail/Bel for their God "Baal" (Wiki Baal). Baal means "master" or "lord". The occult think that Baal is their God, but Baal can refer to any God and even used for Hadad or Lord Of Heaven. I was born between the King's Bridge and Kingston in Glasgow. The West of Scotland and Ireland is world famous for its Seers and Holy people.....

I have had decades of occultic hassle from the names/words Mag/Maggie/Maguire/Maginlay, etc. I even had a long-term pretend friend who kept a real Magpie in his home for 15 years, he also had a HORNed Rams Head and swords on his walls All beyond coincidence. I know what it all means..... Magi, the wise men who came to worship the infant Jesus. (Wiki Magi). I was given a gold tooth by a NHS dentist, even though I was on state benefits and couldn't afford one. My pagan-mason stolen family (and others) always burn incense sticks or burn scented candles when I used to visit them.....

Satan has spent 55 years trying to stop my destiny (using his gullible drones who don't/can't see the bigger picture). He has tried to hoodwink and reverse everything, just as he does to his followers. Now you know why the criminal elite are trying to introduce their anti-Christ (aka Maitreya, read "Waiting for the Anti-Christ) via their Illuminati manipulation and technology. Google "fake alien invasion". Simple logic, they didn't have the technology in the past.....

My communications and contacts are almost zero. Masons in authority even reply to my contacts pretending to be me. They manipulate my voicemails and emails. I told you the occult know who I am. Why else would they spend 55 years making my life a misery?. Its not as if I am an international criminal or a threat to anyone. It doesn't bother me anymore, I now accept my role and God's guidance. Life is not quite what you see in front of you. You have all been deceived, especially Masons..... Open your mind, question everything.

I get intense synchronicity, intuition and guidance every day. Who do you think is helping me to teach you? I know who I am and what my role is, to defeat evil. You should plant trees to get rid of evil, the Occult hate them and chop/burn them down in their witchcraft, persecution and rituals. I'm serious. You can read about trees/angels in the Bible. Satan wants to destroy them all as he tries to do as much damage as possible to this beautiful planet, before his fall. Saint Columba is a friend of mine, I'd love to visit Kells in County Meath, Ireland......

To all skeptics and cynics. I you think the occult don't use numbers or names this way then do your research on 9/11 + 666 and any of the names below. Masons will all live in (and trade from) symbolic place-names like anything Sun, Moon, Stars, Crescent(Moon), Grove (google Bohemian Grove). Park (ark) and also Wood/Tree/Bird-names/Cat-names, absolutely anything with the word "EAST". Research the depressing TV soap "EASTenders" in the UK. Almost every place-name (and characters) is totally Pagan-Masonic code, they use this as a tool to empower and hypnotise their pagan masonic members who watch it. They even changed the colour of the River Thames (satellite view) to blue into the start and end credits. Blue is the primary colour of Freemasonry. Google "Blue Degrees of Masonry".

You have no idea how easily the criminal elite hypnotise the gullible and selfish with all of their mythical allegories. It's simple really, they own the media and HOLLY-WOOD so their lies must be true????? It's the Masons Of Oz behind the curtains. The Temple curtains were torn down and the same is happening to the Masonic curtains. King Robert The Bruce watched the spider rebuild its web every time it was destroyed. The spider eventually succeeded, it just wouldn't give up. The King adopted the same tactic, so should you. Never give up or they win. Can't leave it all to God, can you now? (smile).....

Now, please remember I am not trying to fit place-names from the Bible. So far, I have given you a tiny fraction of my journey, please be patient before you judge me. This is a war between Satan and God, Satan has already lost as his evil Masonic Army implodes, the people are no longer sheeple and will no longer tolerate the criminal elite.....

Palestine is a Pal o' mine. You would not accept some bullies moving into your back garden and tell you that their false God said it belonged to them, would you? I am not racist or anti-semite. I have good Jewish friends who do not agree with the evil Zionist agenda. I'm sick of hearing Masonic politicians saying "To do the right thing". What you don't realise is that this is Masonic code for "To do the RITE thing" for Masons. Google "York Rite" or "Scottish Rite". Wake up you fools.....

Message to the criminal elite, it's over. Seek God and God will truly forgive you. You don't need money in Heaven and your wealth is useless in Hell. If I sound like a preacher, then I'm giving you a chance. If you want to question me, question yourself first and I'll be glad to answer. Do not attempt to question me from behind the curtains, do it transparently. To all true Christians, do I have to fight this battle myself or are you waiting for the farmer with the GM feed? Those "TRUMPETS" at the World Cup are pretty loud..... I realise brainwashed people will still hate me even though I am fighting for you all. Have you worked out what Second Family really means? Read my earlier CM posts. Please forward this announcement to all who are aware.....
Peace, love and FR33DOM to everyone, (including Masons) but especially to all good minded people and truth seekers everywhere..... Joseph Stirling Christie aka The Divine King

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The Christ Messenger (18th April 2010)

The Satanic Occult know who I am. They have been persecuting me for 55 years. They do this mainly through Freemasonry. I have seven brothers and a sister all taken by Masons, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Orange Order. I have been persecuted, harmed, poisoned and attempted murder by my own possessed family. All I did was trust them. I do not hate them. These secret society groups are not separate entities, they are all Masons and use the exact same system. I will prove to you that they know that "I am" the one chosen to fight Satan. I will also prove that the Satanic Occult know the outcome, they lose. The only part I am not sure about is whether I remain in this body suit or not. I am not afraid and I now believe strongly in my destiny.

I will also prove to you that Jesus Christ is alive and well. Nobody dies but you will be judged. You will learn that life is infinite. I have been wounded many times by Satan himself and by using his Army of mind controlled Masons. Pity the Masons and affiliated groups for they know not what they do, their minds have been stolen and go through life with fake sincerity to survive.

For the skeptics, I am not delusional, paranoid or suffer mental health. If you know any psychiatrists who need help, I'm your man (humour intended). I can handle ridicule after the bombardment of evil that I am going through. We all are, switch off the noise and tune in. Or research everything for your own future.

I get intense synchronicity (meaningful coincidence) every day. I am highly intuitive. I receive connection and guidance day and night. I have been fighting evil, corruption and witchcraft (majority of Masons are seriously into witchcraft) for most of my life but especially the last six years. It was about 6 years ago that I totally changed as a person. I keep getting intuitive messages and had to endure pure evil to teach me to teach you. I never considered myself to be religious and I used to fight it, but it all got too strong until I could no longer ignore it. My whole life has been one of miracles and protection. I was fighting corruption when I was a teenager but for some reason I was switched off. Google Joe Stirling, or Second Family (UK) or Ban Freekmasons. Go there with an open mind, it is not about hatred or revenge. You will learn that I tried to be diplomatic but evil defends evil. So I just keep rolling truth snowballs, you should do the same. I keep telling you this is not about me, (we are one) I am just your chosen messenger in this field.

Here are my divine synchronicities, My father was John Joseph Stirling (died in 1959 when I was 4 years old) Sounds ordinary until you later learn that I have been persecuted heavily by people named John (including my own brother) and Occultic references to St. John, as you will read. My mother was Elizabeth, she remarried James Christie and I went to school as Joe Christie. My first personal meeting with Satan was on a Ouija board. It was a nasty, evil experience and nobody should go anywhere near one. This bad session affected me for decades. I was given the name of my wife to be (Kim). This was 3 years approx. before I met her. We met on Christmas day 1975 and still together today with 2 sons. My first son has unpredictable Aspergers Syndrome (Autism) which I know is a curse by Satan. We are treading on eggshells 24/7. My mother in law has a name with connotations to a prostitute. She has a sister called Mary (reference to Magdalene?) I have been plagued my whole life with the name Mary, far too much to be coincidental. I know that my mother in law has been persecuted (she is unaware) for her part in giving birth to my future wife.

In May 1965 our family moved to 6 Hopehill Road in the Maryhill district of Glasgow. You have no idea how much the name "Mary" means to Pagan Freemasonry (Fact, they hate Mary Magdalene and Jesus). The Masons are obsessed with the Phoenix Bird (rebirth) and have always been letting me know this. They even painted a large Phoenix mural on the side of a Tabernacle/Sunday School building (1973 approx.) on Maryhill Road. This was about 200 meters from our old house (now demolished). The strange thing was that they painted it next to a high building so nobody would see it until they demolished the obstruction a few years later ? You can still see the Phoenix today next to Hopehill Road/Maryhill Road. Google street-view Glasgow G20 area

Jaguar Cats symbols..... I have been heavily persecuted by Masons (and affiliated groups) driving their Jaguar cars and other situations. I can't elaborate as it will jeopardise my evidence. The Jaguar is very symbolic to Pagan Freemasonry. They love all cats. Google "Jabulon" their 3 headed God, one being a cat. Incidentally, where I used to live in Hopehill Road, they have built a Jaguar Car dealership. it's still there today. Google street-view G20. (next to the Phoenix painting)

Numbers 19 and 19.5..... Most of you will not understand what these mean. I am trying to tell you that the Occult know exactly who I am. Their low-level mind controlled drones only follow orders. You should research the numbers 19 or 19.5 degrees. They are crazy about these numbers. It will take you on a journey and I don't want to repeat what I've already put online. Masons will invert, reverse and use multiples of their symbolic numbers. Take note of number 19 as they will also use 61, 91 & 16, they all mean 19 to a Mason and it's the closest they can get to 19.5. Multiply 19.5 X 2 = 39 (another very Masonic symbolic number). Reverse 39 and you have 93 (93 million miles to their Sun God Ra or Horus, etc). I live at no 93, strange eh ? it was a council house exchange all manipulated by the Occult and has become my prison. My bank account is 000???00 adds up to 19, think about this, it's one of the biggest banks in the UK and I joined them several years ago. They had millions of customers before me. The PIN code they gave me is also 19. The No 61 bus route takes you to Maryhill. Two bus routes stop at my back door, No's 119 and 109. In 1986 a Masonic run Housing Association gave us a flat at No 19 in St. Johns Wood in London. Here in Glasgow I took out a fixed price with my energy company of £100 per month, they changed it to £119.50. I phoned them to complain about my fixed price and they changed it to £106.50, (invert the 6) I agreed without thinking. It's still the Masons manipulating 19.5. I have all the letters. I changed our home phone number and they gave me another 19. You should also checkout the number 11 as in the 9/11 attack (it's still 119) Our local Kwik-Fit garage in Milngavie, Glasgow has 2 large canvas signs (20 mtrs apart) with their phone number 0141 956 1911 (also 956 = 9/11) My real brother who has a gong from the Queen for teaching army cadets to die for the criminal elite pedophiles lives at number 119. After years of esoteric research, I know these numbers/dates are very important to the Occult and you will find No 19 in the Bible and the Quran. They are all telling me my number is 19. It's OK, I know who I am and what I have to do.

I am out walking our dog beside the mysterious Craigallian House (Scotland's Bohemian Grove?). This place has a Glasgow postcode (and three different locations) although its in Stirlingshire. It's located on The West Highland Way, a 100 mile path/hike to Fort William (where all the Masons climb hills to find the Light, they should just take a torch haha) Craigallian means "Beautiful Rock" and the Masons love anything stone/rock. I talk to a stranger who was by the river sorting/drying his hill walking gear? I continued on to Loch Craigallian and returned 20 minutes later to where this guy was. Just before I got to him, there was a bright purple/blue dove flew up into the forest from his direction. I then spoke to this guy and asked if he had seen it and he said yes. I told him that the crows would kill it because of its bright colour. He was on his mobile as he said he was waiting for some friends. Then after about 5 minutes of small talk, approximately 10 people turned up. None of them were in hiking gear. I was spooked (due to my constant life of persecution) so I decided to walk on and say good bye. I get shadowed (comprehensive evidence) wherever I go. There is more to this story that will back up that it happened. Surely angels don't use mobile phones? but I agree, this was a strange incident.

When I was a teenager, my older friend? had a flat in Arlington Street, in the west end of Glasgow. I stayed there a few times. I have only recently found out his whole family are Masons and my constant perps. Anyway, at the bottom of Arlington Street there was a private/fraternal mens club with a swimming pool in it. Myself and two friends were talking to the maintenance guy who decided to let us have a quick dip. It was a strange pool with lots of circles, triangles, squares and other symbols hanging from the ceiling. You could reach up and grab these while in the pool. I knew nothing about secret societies or symbolism in those days. I have done some research on Arlington in the USA and the Masonic/Occultic connections are intense. Fact, these Masons plan way ahead in advance. It gives their members a sense of empowerment. All part of the "Jah Bul Con". Taken from the Masonic secret word Jah-Bul-On (their 3 headed God). Even top Mason Albert Pike states "It's not that the Mason understands, it's as long as he think he does". So there you have it, a tool and a fool of a Mason. Google ex-top Mason Bill Schnobelen.

Fact, Scotland is the spiritual home of the criminal network of Zionist Freemasonry. The Pagan Masons are totally possessed by mythical beliefs, especially in Moray and Aberdeenshire in the North East of Scotland. The Scottish flag of St. Andrews Cross is a masonic symbol and a good way to spot Masons. Edinburgh is thought of as the new Jerusalem. You will start to understand why the Scottish Zionist Government supported Mr Trumpet's golf course, etc. If you want to research more on this sophisticated "Pyramid" scam then buy (or read online) the Andrew T Hennessey book called "Els, Atlantis, Scotland and Egypt" or go to Andrews website. He does special tours of Edinburgh. Warning, be careful when studying esoteric knowledge. You can easily hypnotise yourself. That's why the Masons get their initiates to study it, their version of course. Checkout Henry Makow or Jeff Rense or LJPR dot INFO

Psychology is the number one weapon of Freemasonry. They will use everything about you or everything you write or say on the phone against you. They constantly sow lies/seeds into peoples heads everyday (it's called Gaslighting), even by our controlled Media. You have no idea of how deliberately deranged Freemasonry is. The Zionist criminal elite call their low level members "useful idiots" and the intelligent ones are called "clever idiots". They do NOT care about anyone so long as they reach their NWO agenda. You have to learn the difference between synchronicity and what is manipulated by them. Genuine synchronicity is a gift from God. My advice is stick to logic if you don't have strong intuition. Fact, everything a criminal Mason does is "Trick or Treat". The treat is to their brotherhood and everything else is a trick to non-brotherhood. This will always be, until more good people awaken. Question everything and challenge closed doors. Good Masons? are welcome to comment or contact but none so far in the last six years. Freemasonry thrives on the abuse of your trust.

Two years ago, I used to have a small caravan in my back garden to meet with victims of the Pagan-Masons. This strange pretend victim who called himself Finn Hagan came all the way from Taunton in Somerset to tell me I was not the chosen one? I had never implied that I was. Anyway he said his real name was Paul Anderson. I asked to see any ID and he didn't have any? He drove all the way from Taunton in an old classic triumph spitfire without ID or bankcards? Part of the number plate was DOB (date of birth). So here we have a deranged pagan mason who travels the UK to psychologically mess with victim's heads. This guy also writes articles for the UK Column???

Small, interesting divine story/ballet, Google "Miracle in the Gorbals" I was born in this location at 27 Waddell Street, Gorbals, Glasgow. You should also checkout the lyrics to Sandy Denny's song "The Sea", she had the voice of an angel.

I give you my word that every part of this is true and with solid back up. This is a tiny fraction of my (life by design) journey. Next part coming soon online or send a SSAE. You can contact me only if you are law abiding, incorruptible or are a genuine believer in Jesus. We have had lot's of problems with the Mason's in the Royal Mail, you can hand post your message or contact details through my door at 93 Ashburn Road, Milngavie, Glasgow G62 7PQ or email or or text/call us on 07799 612 227

Also if any of you have the courage to stop being controlled by the "Masons of OZ", just contact me. Like in the movie "Wizard of Oz, this is how the cowardly Mason's work, its the booming voice (psychology) behind the curtains. If you do nothing, they win. We are being controlled by Masonic criminal elite pedophiles, if you don't believe me, Google "Hollie Greig". Use exposure and the law to defeat them. If you want to know how to recognise a brotherhood member, Google "Satan's Army of Masons-codes and terminology". Only good can win, as bad destroys everything. I can help you to make revealing documentaries. . Do your bit to expose the worst human virus in mankind's history. Please forward this to people you care about and to every truth seeking website/forum everywhere.

Joseph Stirling Christie. Not interested in wealth or fame, just to help this beautiful planet and its contents. Everything is free from God except one bad apple called Satan. His Army of Masons infects everything it contacts. We have much work to do. (18th April 2010)